
The properties of the Selection class provide scripting access to the objects that are currently selected in the application interface. These objects include the following:

Accessing the Selection

In OmniGraffle, the selection is a property of the Window class. In OmniOutliner, the selection is a property of the Editor class, and so must be accessed accordingly, appeneded to a statement ending with an instance of the Editor class, usually the first or current editor:

An instance of the Selection class contains references to the objects listed above, which are accessed by appending them to the selection instance:

Using these selection objects, scripts can provide functionality targeted at the objects selected by the user.


Here’s the basic script for processing selected items (rows):

var items = document.editors.selection.items items.forEach(function(item){ // processing statements go here })

and here’s an expanded version of the previous script that converts the notes of selected items into follow-on rows (siblings):

var items = document.editors[0].selection.items items.forEach(function(item){ var itemNote = item.note var itemParent = item.parent itemParent.addChild( item.after, function(row){ row.topic = itemNote } ) item.note = "" })
/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnioutliner"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.oo.notes-to-rows", "version": "1.0", "description": "Convert notes of the selected rows into follow-on rows (siblings).", "label": "Notes to Sibling Rows", "shortLabel": "Notes to Rows" }*/ (() => { var action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection, sender) { // action code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, styles selection.items.forEach(function(item){ var itemNote = item.note var itemParent = item.parent itemParent.addChild( item.after, function(row){ row.topic = itemNote } ) item.note = "" }) }); action.validate = function(selection, sender) { // validation code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, styles if(selection.nodes.length > 0){return true} else {return false} }; return action; })();

The following script uses the columns property of the selection instance to adjust the widths of the selected columns to be the arithmetic mean (average) of their widths:

var editor = document.editors[0] var selectedColumns = editor.selection.columns var columnCount = selectedColumns.length if (columnCount === 1){throw new Error('single column')} var widths ={ return editor.widthForColumn(col) }) var total = widths.reduce( function(total,num){return total + num}, 0) var avgWidth = total/columnCount avgWidth = Number(avgWidth.toFixed(0)) selectedColumns.forEach( function(col){editor.setWidthForColumn(col,avgWidth)} )
/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnioutliner"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.oo.balance-columns", "version": "1.0", "description": "Adjust the width of selected columns to be the same.", "label": "Balance Widths of Selected Columns", "shortLabel": "Balance Column Widths" }*/ (() => { var action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection, sender) { // action code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, styles var selectedColumns = selection.columns var editor = selection.editor var columnCount = selectedColumns.length var widths = => { return editor.widthForColumn(col) }) var total = widths.reduce(function(total,num){return total + num},0) var avgWidth = total/columnCount avgWidth = Number(avgWidth.toFixed(0)) selectedColumns.forEach( function(col){editor.setWidthForColumn(col,avgWidth)} ) }); action.validate = function(selection, sender) { // validation code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, styles return (selection.columns.length > 1) }; return action; })();

An example script that applies a focus to the selected items:

var editor = document.editors[0] editor.focusedItems = editor.selection.items

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