
To change how an outline looks or is organized, scripts address an Editor.

An element of the Document class, an instance of the Editor class is the entity that controls the display of the outline and its items. By addressing an editor, a script can select, expand, and collapse rows, as well as control the display of columns.

The current editor object is referenced as editor zero (0), meaning it is the first editor in the array of editors currently in use by open document windows. (see below)

var editor = document.editors[0] var tree = document.outline editor.setVisibilityOfColumn(tree.outlineColumn,true) editor.setVisibilityOfColumn(tree.statusColumn,false) editor.setVisibilityOfColumn(tree.noteColumn,false)

Editor Properties

Here are the properties of an instance of the Editor class:

Row Text Folding

An example script of setting the property of the current Editor for truncating the text of outline rows:

document.editors[0].foldingEnabled = true


In terms of an Editor, the individual items of the outline column are called nodes, and references to them are used with commands like the select() command that accepts an array of node references as the objects to select.

var editor = document.editors[0] var node = editor.rootNode.children[0] editor.select([node])

Here’s how to leave active editing and deselect all rows:

var editor = document.editors[0] editor.select([])

In the following example, the top-level items of the outline (children) are examined to determine the state of their corresponding status checkboxes. If selected, the item is expanded to reveal its descendants, otherwise the item is collapsed.

var editor = document.editors[0] editor.rootNode.children.forEach(function(node){ var nodeState = node.valueForColumn(document.outline.statusColumn) if (nodeState === State.Checked){ node.expand() } else { node.collapse() } })

A useful feature of OmniOutliner is the ability to focus the outline display to only show specific items, temporarily hiding the other elements of the outline. Omni Automation scripts have the ability to focus and unfocuse the outline display.

As shown in the following example (line 4), a reference to a node’s corresponding item is the value of the node’s object property.

function focusSelectedItems(){ var editor = document.editors[0] var nodes = editor.selectedNodes var items = nodes.map(function(node){return node.object}) editor.focusedItems = items }
function unfocus(){ if (document.editors[0].focusedItems != []){ document.editors[0].focusedItems = [] } }

And here is an example for focusing only the checked items:

var editor = document.editors[0] var itemsToFocus = new Array() rootItem.descendants.forEach(function(item){ if(editor.nodeForItem(item).state === State.Checked){ itemsToFocus.push(item) } }) if(itemsToFocus.length > 0){editor.focusedItems = itemsToFocus}

Editor Functions

Here are the methods used with an instance of the Editor class:

Here’s how to convert an item (row) reference into a node reference:

var row = rootItem.children[0] var editor = document.editors[0] var node = editor.nodeForObject(row)

Here’s an example script using the scrollToNode() method to scroll the outline document to the top:

var editor = document.editors[0] editor.scrollToNode(editor.rootNode.children[0])

Here’s an example script using the outdentNodes() method to move the selected row to the top-level in the outline:

var editor = document.editors[0] var node = editor.selectedNodes[0] while (node.level != 1){ editor.outdentNodes([node]) node = editor.selectedNodes[0] }

Here’s a script that uses the visibilityOfColumn() method to derive references to the visible columns:

var editor = document.editors[0] var visibleColumns = columns.map(column => { if (editor.visibilityOfColumn(column)){return column} })


Instances of the EditorColumnPosition class are generated by using one of the following methods with an instance of the Editor class:

columnPosition = document.editors[0].afterColumn(document.outline.outlineColumn)

The following example script uses the addColumn(…) function of the Column class to append a numeric column to the end of the outline. Also note that since a null value is entered rather than an instance of the EditorColumnPosition class for the parameter of the afterColumn(…) method, the new column is created after the last column.

var tree = document.outline var editor = document.editors[0] var newCol = tree.addColumn( Column.Type.Number, editor.afterColumn(null), null ) newCol.title = 'Q2' editor.setSummaryForColumn(newCol, Column.Summary.Total)

SortOrdering Properties

The properties of the SortOrdering class are used as the value for the sorting methods sortOrderingForColumn and setSortOrderingForColumn of the Editor class:

var editor = document.editors[0] var column = document.outline.outlineColumn var sortStatus = editor.sortOrderingForColumn(column) if (sortStatus != SortOrdering.Descending){ editor.setSortOrderingForColumn(column, SortOrdering.Descending) }

NoteDisplay Properties

The properties of the NoteDisplay class are used for the value of the noteDisplay property (note lowercase n) of the Editor class:

Editors can be used to control the manner in which notes are displayed:

var alert = new Alert("NOTES DISPLAY", "Display item notes inline or at the bottom of the pane?") alert.addOption("Inline") alert.addOption("Pane") alert.show(function(result){ if (result == 0){ document.editors[0].noteDisplay = NoteDisplay.Inline } else { document.editors[0].noteDisplay = NoteDisplay.Pane } })

Value for Column

Here’s a plug-in example that uses the valueForColumn(…) function to display the sum of the numeric columns of the selected row:

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnioutliner"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.oo.numeric-row-sum", "version": "1.0", "description": "Display the numeric value of the numeric columns of the selected row.", "label": "Sum of Selected Row", "shortLabel": "Row Sum" }*/ (() => { var action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection, sender){ // action code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, outline, styles var item = selection.items[0] var numericColumns = new Array() columns.forEach(col => { if (col.type === Column.Type.Number){numericColumns.push(col)} }) if (numericColumns.length != 0){ var total = Decimal.zero numericColumns.forEach(col => { total = total.add(item.valueForColumn(col)) }) new Alert("SUM: ", total.toString()).show() } else { message = "The selected row contains no numeric columns." new Alert("Missing Columns", message).show() } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // validation code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, outline, styles return (selection.items.length === 1) }; return action; })();

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