Omni Automation and the Workflow App
Omni Automation scripts as encoded links can be easily executed by the free Workflow app on iOS .
Simply add the URL action to your workflow document and paste an Omni Automation script link (like the one below) into its input field.
Open OmniGraffle
Copy Script Run Script Copy Link
01 app .activate ()
Follow the URL action with the Open URLs action and save the workflow.
TIP : You can use the Web Console page to turn your Omni Automation scripts into links.
When the workflow is run, the Omni Automation script will be executed.
Here’s a short video demonstrating using the saved example as a Workflow extension
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Run an Omni Automation Script on the Clipboard
Here’s a workflow that converts Omni Automation script code on the clipboard into an Omni Automation script link and executes it. Save it as a Workflow extension and it will be widely available.
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Inserting Content into an Omni Automation Script
Here’s a workflow that will insert the clipboard text contents into an Omni Automation script that creates a textbox containing the text, in the open OmniGraffle document. The process requires the use of multiple workflow variables and the search and replacement of an arbitrary placeholder string (XXXXX).
And here’s the script for creating a text box containing the text that replaces the “XXXXX” placeholder:
nRect = new Rect(0,0,300,300)
aShape =[0].selection.canvas.addShape('Rectangle',nRect)
aShape.text = 'XXXXX'
aShape.shadowColor = null
aShape.strokeType = null
aShape.fillType = null
aShape.autosizing = TextAutosizing.Overflow
aShape.textHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left
aShape.textHorizontalPadding = 0
aShape.textVerticalPlacement = VerticalTextPlacement.Top
aShape.textVerticalPadding = 0
aShape.textSize = 14[0].selection.view.edit(aShape)
Place Text in OmniGraffle
Copy Script Copy Link
01 nRect = new Rect (0,0,300,300)
02 aShape = document .windows [0].selection .canvas .addShape ('Rectangle' ,nRect )
03 aShape .text = 'XXXXX'
04 aShape .shadowColor = null
05 aShape .strokeType = null
06 aShape .fillType = null
07 aShape .autosizing = TextAutosizing .Overflow
08 aShape .textHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment .Left
09 aShape .textHorizontalPadding = 0
10 aShape .textVerticalPlacement = VerticalTextPlacement .Top
11 aShape .textVerticalPadding = 0
12 aShape .textSize = 14
13 document .windows [0].selection .view .edit (aShape )
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Workflow App
Pic to Row
Open Visio File on iOS
Translate Shape Text
Select-Edit-Add Photo
Business Letter
Web Console
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“Omni-Interactive” HTML
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