The iOS Workflow app
The Workflow app for iOS is a powerful tool for creating and placing very useful workflows at your finger tip. And because of Workflow’s modular design and standards support, it integrates perfectly with Omni Automation script links. In the following example, the contact information from a chosen entry in the iOS Contacts database, is passed to an Omni Automation script that uses that data to construct a business letter addressing the chosen person.
Business Letter to Chosen Contact
In the following workflow, the user is prompted to select a person 1 from their iOS Contacts database. Using Workflow’s “magic variables” 3 the data from the chosen contact is matched to the keys you provide 2 resulting in a JSON object resembling something like this:
{"FIRSTNAME":"Trudy","LASTNAME":"Anchover", "ADDRESS":"123 Elm Street\nSan Francisco, CA 12345","PREFIX":"Ms."}
The resulting JSON object is then percent encoded 4 and stored in a new variable 5 named: encodedData 6
In the next workflow step, an encoded version of the Omni Automation script (shown below) is entered as the value for the URL action 7 Note that the first line of the script contains a text placeholder (XXXXX) that will be replaced with JSON data generated by the workflow.
To replace the text placeholder in the encoded Omni Automation script, the parameters of the Replace Text action 8 are set to find the text placeholder in the script link text passed from the previous action, and replace it with the encoded contents of the variable: encodedData 9
The combined Omni Automation script link is then passed to the Open URLs action 10 that executes the script, causing a the business letter to be created using the passed person data from the contact record.
personData = XXXXX
prefix = personData.PREFIX
firstName = personData.FIRSTNAME
lastName = personData.LASTNAME
address = personData.ADDRESS
pageWidth = 612
pageHeight = 792
marginLeft = 72
marginRight = 72
marginTop = 144
marginBottom = 72
cnvs =[0].selection.canvas
cnvs.size = new Size(pageWidth,pageHeight)
cnvs.canvasSizingMode = CanvasSizingMode.Fixed[0].zoom = .75[0].centerVisiblePoint =
textBodyRect = new Rect(marginLeft,marginTop,pageWidth-marginLeft-marginRight,pageHeight-marginTop-marginBottom)
textShape = cnvs.addShape('Rectangle',textBodyRect)
textShape.shadowColor = null
textShape.strokeColor = null
textShape.fillColor = null
textShape.text = "<%Date%>\n\n" + firstName + " " + lastName + "\n" + address + "\n\nDear " + prefix + " " + lastName + ":\n\nLetterBody\n\nSincerely,\n\n\n\n\nSal Soghoian, Nyhthawk Productions\n12345 Automation St.\nSan Francisco, CA 12345\n\n\n\n\nEnclosures: 0"
textShape.textSize = 12
textShape.fontName = "TimesNewRomanPSMT"
textShape.textHorizontalPadding = 0
textShape.textVerticalPadding = 0
textShape.autosizing = TextAutosizing.Clip
textShape.textHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left
textShape.textVerticalPlacement = VerticalTextPlacement.Top
textShape.textHorizontalPadding = 0
textShape.textVerticalPadding = 0[0].selection.view.edit(textShape)
personData = XXXXX
prefix = personData.PREFIX
firstName = personData.FIRSTNAME
lastName = personData.LASTNAME
address = personData.ADDRESS
pageWidth = 612
pageHeight = 792
marginLeft = 72
marginRight = 72
marginTop = 144
marginBottom = 72
cnvs =[0].selection.canvas
cnvs.canvasSizingMode = CanvasSizingMode.Fixed
cnvs.size = new Size(pageWidth,pageHeight)[0].zoom = 1.0[0].centerVisiblePoint =
textBodyRect = new Rect(marginLeft,marginTop,pageWidth-marginLeft-marginRight,pageHeight-marginTop-marginBottom)
textShape = cnvs.addShape('Rectangle',textBodyRect)
textShape.shadowColor = null
textShape.strokeColor = null
textShape.fillColor = null
textShape.text = "<%Date%>\n\n" + firstName + " " + lastName + "\n" + address + "\n\nDear " + prefix + " " + lastName + ":\n\nLetterBody\n\nSincerely,\n\n\n\n\nOtto Automator, Automated Productions\n12345 Automation St.\nSan Francisco, CA 12345\n\n\n\n\nEnclosures: 0"
textShape.textSize = 12
textShape.fontName = "TimesNewRomanPSMT"
textShape.textHorizontalPadding = 0
textShape.textVerticalPadding = 0
textShape.autosizing = TextAutosizing.Clip
textShape.textHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left
textShape.textVerticalPlacement = VerticalTextPlacement.Top
textShape.textHorizontalPadding = 0
textShape.textVerticalPadding = 0[0].selection.view.edit(textShape)
Business Letter to Chosen Contact
Copy Script Copy Script URL
01 personData = XXXXX
02 prefix = personData .PREFIX
03 firstName = personData .FIRSTNAME
04 lastName = personData .LASTNAME
05 address = personData .ADDRESS
06 pageWidth = 612
07 pageHeight = 792
08 marginLeft = 72
09 marginRight = 72
10 marginTop = 144
11 marginBottom = 72
12 cnvs = document .windows [0].selection .canvas
13 cnvs .canvasSizingMode = CanvasSizingMode .Fixed
14 cnvs .size = new Size (pageWidth , pageHeight )
15 document .windows [0].zoom = 1.0
16 document .windows [0].centerVisiblePoint = cnvs .background .geometry .center
17 textBodyRect = new Rect (marginLeft , marginTop , pageWidth - marginLeft - marginRight , pageHeight - marginTop - marginBottom )
18 textShape = cnvs .addShape ('Rectangle' , textBodyRect )
19 textShape .shadowColor = null
20 textShape .strokeColor = null
21 textShape .fillColor = null
22 textShape .text = "<%Date%>\n\n" + firstName + " " + lastName + "\n" + address + "\n\nDear " + prefix + " " + lastName + ":\n\nLetterBody\n\nSincerely,\n\n\n\n\nOtto Automator, Automated Productions\n12345 Automation St.\nSan Francisco, CA 12345\n\n\n\n\nEnclosures: 0"
23 textShape .textSize = 12
24 textShape .fontName = "TimesNewRomanPSMT"
25 textShape .textHorizontalPadding = 0
26 textShape .textVerticalPadding = 0
27 textShape .autosizing = TextAutosizing .Clip
28 textShape .textHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment .Left
29 textShape .textVerticalPlacement = VerticalTextPlacement .Center
30 textShape .textHorizontalPadding = 0
31 textShape .textVerticalPadding = 0
32 document .windows [0].selection .view .edit (textShape )
Here’s a movie demonstrating the “business letter workflow” involving OmniGraffle, Workflow, and the Drafts app on iOS:
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Workflow App
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Open Visio File on iOS
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Business Letter
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