

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a string of text-characters used to identify a file or resource, either locally on the computing device, or on a network or the internet.

An essential component of HTML links, a URL is composed of text segments separated by forward-slash characters, like this URL that references an image file on an internet server:


In Omni Automation, URLs are used to reference local or networked files, often for importing into documents.

String to URL

You can create an instance of a URL object by calling the fromString() method on the URL class. This function takes the URL string as its direct parameter. In the example below, a URL string is converted into a URL object stored in the variable: aURL

URL Object from String

urlA = URL.fromString("https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG") //--> [object URL: https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG] {string: "https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG", toObject: [object URL: https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG]}

Incorporating the relativeToURL property:

Derive URL from Base URL

baseURL = URL.fromString("https://www.omnigroup.com") linkURL = URL.fromString("/blog", baseURL) linkURL.string //--> https://www.omnigroup.com/blog

Here’s a script that use the documentsDirectory property to generate a URL to the user’s Pictures folder (macOS):

Derive URL from Path

homeName = URL.documentsDirectory.pathComponents[2] URL.fromPath(`/Users/${homeName}/Pictures/`, true)

Class Properties

Instance Properties

The string instance property of the URL class can be used to extract a URL string from the URL object:

URL String from URL Object

aURL.string //--> "https://omni-automation.com/gfx/18207.jpg"

See documentation on the URL.QueryItem class for more information regarding URL components.

URL Instance Functions

Here's an example of using URL editing functions to generate a second URL instance that uses the same directory as the first URL instance:

URL Edit Functions

urlA = URL.fromString("https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG") //--> [object URL: https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG] {string: "https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG", toObject: [object URL: https://omni-automation.com/wind/18207.JPG]} containingDirectoryURL = urlA.deletingLastPathComponent() urlB = containingDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("16704.JPG") //--> [object URL: https://omni-automation.com/wind/16704.JPG] {string: "https://omni-automation.com/wind/16704.JPG", toObject: [object URL: https://omni-automation.com/wind/16704.JPG]}

The open( ) Instance Function

The open( ) function of the URL class is used to open the specified URL object.

Using the open( ) function to display a webpage:

Open Webpage

aURL = URL.fromString('https://omni-automation.com') aURL.open()

Here’s the open( ) function used to pass text to a new BBEdit document. Note that the open( ) function may be appended to URL creation statement since the result of the statement is an instance of the URL class:

New BBEdit Text Document

textToPass = encodeURIComponent("How Now Brown Cow") URL.fromString('x-bbedit://new-document/?text=' + textToPass).open()

And here’s the open() function used to pass text to a new Textastic document:

New Textastic Document

textToPass = encodeURIComponent("How Now Brown Cow") URL.fromString('textastic://x-callback-url/new?text=' + textToPass).open()

And here’s an example of using the call() function to pass text to a new Drafts document:

New Drafts Document

urlStr = "drafts5://x-callback-url/create?text=" textToPass = encodeURIComponent("How now brown cow.") URL.fromString(urlStr + textToPass).open()

NOTE: Because of the security protocols in iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, the open( ) function may be blocked from use with files not directly under control of the hosting application.

A URL for triggering a new entry dialog in the Contacts app (macOS):

New Address Book Entry


URL to String

When working with URLs in your scripts, you may wish to extract the name of the file or resource from the URL object. This is accomplished by extracting the URL string from the URL object by accessing the value of its “string” property.

Once you retrieved the URL string from the URL object, you can use standard JavaScript tools for deriving the name, as shown in this example:

Get Resource Name from URL (Old Way)

aURL = URL.fromString('https://omni-automation.com/gfx/18207.jpg') urlString = aURL.string resourceName = urlString.substr(urlString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) //--> "18207.jpg"

A better mechanism for deriving the name of a resource from its url is to use the lastPathComponent property of the URL class:

Get Resource Name from URL (Best Way)

aURL = URL.fromString('https://omni-automation.com/gfx/18207.jpg') resourceName = aURL.lastPathComponent //--> "18207.jpg"

The currentAppScheme Property

Omni Automation script links begin with a schema that identifies the target Omni application. For example, here is a link that targets a task in OmniFocus:


However, should you have multiple copies of an Omni application installed, such as both the standard and enterprise editions, you can use the currentAppScheme property of the URL class to derive the exact schema targeting the current running Omni application, as in this example script that generates a link to the selected OmniFocus task:

Generating a URL Link to a Task

var selectedTask = document.windows[0].selection.tasks[0] var taskID = selectedTask.id.primaryKey var appSchema = URL.currentAppScheme var taskLinkStr = appSchema + "://localhost/task/" + taskID //-> "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus3://localhost/task/ieEZbhmwQLk"

The value of the currentAppScheme property is the identifier string for current Omni application.

URL of a Plug-In Resource

Resource files place within Omni plugins are referenced using URLs. To derive the URL of a plugin resource file, use the following technique of identifying the host plugin by its identifier string, and then calling the resourceNamed() method on the plugin object:

URL of a Plug-In Resource

var plugin = PlugIn.find("com.omni-automation.og.example-plug-in") var resourceName = "Australia.png" var aURL = plugin.resourceNamed(resourceName)

Accessing the value of the returned URL object’s “string” property will be a file URL string pointing to the indicating file on disk:



Storing and Retrieving Data (@)

Using the documentsDirectory property, data can be written to and retrieved from the Omni app’s documents folder without the need for user interaction. This provides an excellent mechanism for sharing data between plug-ins.

Here are functions for reading and writing data in JSON format:

Storing JSON Data in App Directory

function storeDataInAppFolder(dataObj, fileName, shouldOpenFolder){ try { dataObjStr = JSON.stringify(dataObj) data = Data.fromString(dataObjStr) folderURL = URL.documentsDirectory fileURL = folderURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName) wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents(fileName, data) wrapper.write(fileURL, [FileWrapper.WritingOptions.Atomic], null) if(shouldOpenFolder && app.platformName === "macOS"){ folderURL.open() } } catch(err){ new Alert(err.name, err.message).show() } }
function storeDataInAppFolder(dataObj, fileName, shouldOpenFolder){ try { dataObjStr = JSON.stringify(dataObj) data = Data.fromString(dataObjStr) folderURL = URL.documentsDirectory fileURL = folderURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName) wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents(fileName, data) wrapper.write(fileURL, [FileWrapper.WritingOptions.Atomic], null) if(shouldOpenFolder && app.platformName === "macOS"){ folderURL.open() } } catch(err){ new Alert(err.name, err.message).show() } } dataObj = {"name":"Samantha", "id":"com.apple.speech.synthesis.voice.samantha.premium", "rate":0.45} storeDataInAppFolder(dataObj, "voice-data.json", true)
Calling the Function

dataObj = {"name":"Samantha", "id":"com.apple.speech.synthesis.voice.samantha.premium", "rate":0.45} storeDataInAppFolder(dataObj, "voice-data.json", true)

IMPORTANT: The fetch() function, which is used to read the stored data, runs asynchronously in relation to the rest of its host script and so any script code for processing the results of the fetch must be placed within a call-back function that is the direct parameter of the call. (see example below)

fileName = "voice-data.json" folderURL = URL.documentsDirectory fileURL = folderURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName) fileURL.fetch(data => { result = data.toString() console.log(result) new Alert("Success", "Data has been logged to the Console window.").show() }, err => { new Alert("err.name", err.message).show() })
Retrieving JSON from App Directory

fileName = "voice-data.json" folderURL = URL.documentsDirectory fileURL = folderURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName) fileURL.fetch(data => { result = data.toString() console.log(result) json = JSON.parse(result) // PROCESSING STATEMENTS GO HERE }, err => { new Alert(err.name, err.message).show() })

Getting the Related iCloud Documents Folder

This function will return a URL instance to the iCloud Documents folder of the current Omni application:

iCloud Documents Folder

async function getiCloudDocumentsDirectory(){ appName = app.name if (Device.current.mac){ var partA = URL.documentsDirectory.pathComponents.slice(1,4).join("/") var partB = `/Mobile Documents/iCloud\~com\~omnigroup\~${appName}/Documents` } else { var partA = "private/var/mobile/Library" var partB = `/Mobile Documents/iCloud\~com\~omnigroup\~${appName}/Documents` } folderURL = URL.fromPath("/" + partA + partB , true) return folderURL }

A corresponding function that calls the previous function to check to if there is an iCloud Drive:

Check for iCloud Drive

async function checkForiCloudDrive(){ try { url = await getiCloudDocumentsDirectory() fileURL = url.appendingPathComponent(".DS_Store") request = new URL.FetchRequest() request.url = fileURL response = await request.fetch() responseCode = response.statusCode return responseCode } catch(err){ return 404 } }

If the response code from the function is 200 then the iCloud Drive exists!