Plug-In: Clipboard Objects to Markdown Links ![Plug-in is compatible with Apple Vision Pro Apple Vision Pro]()
This plug-in uses the Pasteboard class functions to convert the OmniFocus objects currently copied to the clipboard, into a series of markdown text links, replacing the current clipboard contents with the markdown text.
To use the plug-in, copy the target OmniFocus objects (folders, projects, tasks, or tags) to the clipboard and run the plug-in. The contents of the clipboard will be replaced with links to the objects in markdown format:

Return to: OmniFocus Plug-In Collection
Clipboard Objects to Markdown Links
"type": "action",
"targets": ["omnifocus"],
"author": "Otto Automator",
"identifier": "com.omni-automation.of.pasteboard-objects-to-markdown-links",
"version": "1.2",
"description": "This plug-in converts the OmniFocus objects currently copied to the clipboard, into a series of markdown text links, replacing the current clipboard contents with the markdown text.",
"label": "Clipboard Objects to Markdown Links",
"shortLabel": "Markdown Links",
(() => {
const action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection, sender){
if (Pasteboard.general.hasURLs){
links = Pasteboard.general.URLs
markdownText = ""
linkCount = links.length - 1
links.forEach((link,index) => {
linkStr = link.string
id = linkStr.substring(linkStr.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
if (index === linkCount){
var endOfLine = ""
} else {
var endOfLine = "\n"
fldr = Folder.byIdentifier(id)
markdownLink = `[FOLDER: ${}](${linkStr})`
markdownText += markdownLink + endOfLine
} else if (Tag.byIdentifier(id)){
tag = Tag.byIdentifier(id)
markdownLink = `[TAG: ${}](${linkStr})`
markdownText += markdownLink + endOfLine
} else if (Project.byIdentifier(id)){
project = Project.byIdentifier(id)
markdownLink = `[PROJECT: ${}](${linkStr})`
markdownText += markdownLink + endOfLine
} else if (Task.byIdentifier(id)){
task = Task.byIdentifier(id)
markdownLink = `[TASK: ${}](${linkStr})`
markdownText += markdownLink + endOfLine
} else {
console.warn("Unknown", linkStr)
Pasteboard.general.string = markdownText
new Alert("COMPLETED","Markdown is on the clipboard.").show()
} else {
alertMessage = "No OmniFocus objects have been copied to the clipboard."
new Alert(alertTitle, alertMessage).show()
action.validate = function(selection, sender){
return true
return action;