
A pasteboard (also referred to as “the clipboard”) temporarily holds representations of items of different types for transfer between different applications or different locations in the application.

Class Properties

Class Functions

Instance Properties

Log User Clipboard Text

if (Pasteboard.general.hasStrings){ console.log(Pasteboard.general.string) } else {console.log('No Clipboard Text')}
Set User Pasteboard String

Pasteboard.general.string = "How Now Brown Cow" console.log(Pasteboard.general.string)
Set/Get Temporary Pasteboard Text

tempClip = Pasteboard.makeUnique() tempClip.string = "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain." console.log(tempClip.string)

NOTE: altering the content of a unique pasteboard does not effect the contents of the user pasteboard (main clipboard).

Save Plain-Text from Pasteboard to File

(async () => { try { if(Pasteboard.general.hasStrings){ data = Data.fromString(Pasteboard.general.string) wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents('Pasteboard.txt', data) filesaver = new FileSaver() urlObj = await console.log(urlObj.string) } } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } })();

Instance Functions

Save Pasteboard Image to File

(async () => { try { if(Pasteboard.general.hasImages){ data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(TypeIdentifier.png) wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents('IMG-CLIP.png', data) filesaver = new FileSaver() urlObj = await console.log(urlObj.string) } } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } })();
Get Specific Type from Pasteboard

(async () => { try { targetType = new TypeIdentifier("public.utf8-plain-text") if(Pasteboard.general.availableType([targetType])){ items = Pasteboard.general.items var i for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var data = items[i].dataForType(targetType) if(data){ console.log(data.toString()) break } } } wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents('Pasteboard.txt', data) filesaver = new FileSaver() urlObj = await console.log(urlObj.string) } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } })();
Save Clipboard RTF to Disk

(async () => { try { targetType = TypeIdentifier.rtf if(Pasteboard.general.availableType([targetType])){ data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(TypeIdentifier.rtf) wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents('TEST-RTF-EXPORT.rtf', data) filesaver = new FileSaver() urlObj = await console.log(urlObj.string) } } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } })();

If there’s a map link on the clipboard, open it:

Open Copied Map URL

if(Pasteboard.general.hasURLs){ urlStr = Pasteboard.general.stringForType(TypeIdentifier.URL) if(urlStr.startsWith("https://maps.")){ URL.fromString(urlStr).open() } }

Pasteboard.Item Class

A pasteboard item is the generic instance of the Pasteboard.Item class, a single instance of one of the data types supported by the Pasteboard class.

Instance Properties

The properties of an instance of the Pasteboard.Item class:

Instance Functions

The functions used to manipulate an instance of the Pasteboard.Item class:

Place Image from Data on Pasteboard

img64 = "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" imgData = Data.fromBase64(img64) item = new Pasteboard.Item() item.setDataForType(imgData,TypeIdentifier.jpeg) Pasteboard.general.clear() Pasteboard.general.addItems([item])
Placing a URL on the Clipboard

urlStr = "" urlData = Data.fromString(urlStr) pasteboardItem = new Pasteboard.Item() pasteboardItem.setDataForType(urlData, TypeIdentifier.URL) Pasteboard.general.clear() Pasteboard.general.addItems([pasteboardItem])

Replace String on Pastebord

Here's an Omni Automation plug-in that replaces the designated string in the text currently on the global Pasteboard:

Replace String on Pasteboard

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnifocus","omnigraffle","omnioutliner","omniplan"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.all.replace-string-on-pasteboard", "version": "1.1", "description": "This action will replace the provided string with the provided replacement string in the text currently on the user pasteboard. NOTE: the resulting text will be in plain-text format.", "label": "Replace String on Pasteboard", "shortLabel": "Find-Change Clipboard", "paletteLabel": "Find-Change Clipboard", "image": "text.viewfinder" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ textInputField01 = new Form.Field.String( "textInput01", "Search for", null ) textInputField02 = new Form.Field.String( "textInput02", "Replace with", null ) checkSwitchField = new Form.Field.Checkbox( "checkboxSwitch", "Case-insensitive and word-only", true ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(textInputField01) inputForm.addField(textInputField02) inputForm.addField(checkSwitchField) inputForm.validate = function(formObject){ inputText01 = formObject.values['textInput01'] inputText01Status = (!inputText01)?false:true inputText02Status = true validation = (inputText01Status && inputText02Status) ? true:false return validation } formPrompt = "Search and replace text on the clipboard:" buttonTitle = "Continue" formObject = await,buttonTitle) searchString = formObject.values['textInput01'] replacementString = formObject.values['textInput02'] if (!replacementString){replacementString = ""} checkboxStatus = formObject.values['checkboxSwitch'] contentString = Pasteboard.general.string if (checkboxStatus){ re = new RegExp(`\\b${searchString}\\b`, 'gi') newString = contentString.replace(re,replacementString) } else { re = new RegExp(`${searchString}`, 'g') newString = contentString.replace(re,replacementString) } Pasteboard.general.string = newString }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ return (Pasteboard.general.hasStrings) }; return action; })();

Pasteboard Image as Attachment

The following script will add the current pasteboard image to the selected OmniFocus project or task as an attachment:

try { sel =[0].selection selCount = sel.tasks.length + sel.projects.length if(selCount === 1){ if (sel.tasks.length === 1){ var selectedItem = sel.tasks[0] } else { var selectedItem = sel.projects[0] } } else { throw { name: "Selection Issue", message: "Please select a single project or task." } } if(Pasteboard.general.hasImages){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.png") ext = ".png" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) if(!data){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.tiff") ext = ".tif" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) } if(!data){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.jpeg") ext = ".jpg" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) } if(!data){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.image") ext = "" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) } fmtr = Formatter.Date.withFormat('eee-MMM-dd-yyyy-h-mm-ss-a') imageName = "Clip-Image_" + fmtr.stringFromDate(new Date()) + ext wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents(imageName, data) selectedItem.addAttachment(wrapper) } else { throw { name: "Missing Resource", message: "There is no image on the clipboard." } } } catch(err){ new Alert(, err.message).show() }
Clipboard Image as Attachment

try { sel =[0].selection selCount = sel.tasks.length + sel.projects.length if(selCount === 1){ if (sel.tasks.length === 1){ var selectedItem = sel.tasks[0] } else { var selectedItem = sel.projects[0] } } else { throw { name: "Selection Issue", message: "Please select a single project or task." } } if(Pasteboard.general.hasImages){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.png") ext = ".png" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) if(!data){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.tiff") ext = ".tif" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) } if(!data){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.jpeg") ext = ".jpg" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) } if(!data){ imageType = new TypeIdentifier("public.image") ext = "" data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(imageType) } fmtr = Formatter.Date.withFormat('eee-MMM-dd-yyyy-h-mm-ss-a') imageName = "Clip-Image_" + fmtr.stringFromDate(new Date()) + ext wrapper = FileWrapper.withContents(imageName, data) selectedItem.addAttachment(wrapper) } else { throw { name: "Missing Resource", message: "There is no image on the clipboard." } } } catch(err){ new Alert(, err.message).show() }

Fetch Chart to Pasteboard

The following plug-in demonstrates how charts can be generated using an online service, and the resulting chart images be automatically placed on the Omni application’s pasteboard (clipboard) ready to be pasted.

The URL APIs from the QuickChart website ( are used to generate the chart images.

You can edit this plug-in to use data from the current Omni document as the data sets for the charts, instead of the provided example data sets.

Fetch Chart Image

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnifocus","omnigraffle","omnioutliner","omniplan"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.all.fetch-chart", "version": "1.1", "description": "This action generates a chart using the QuickChart ( APIs.", "label": "Fetch Chart Image", "shortLabel": "Fetch Chart", "paletteLabel": "Fetch Chart", "image": "" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { menuItems = ["Doughnut","Bar","Pie","Radial Guage","Line Graph"] menuIndexes =, index) => index) menuElement = new Form.Field.Option( "menuElement", "Chart Type", menuIndexes, menuItems, 0 ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(menuElement) inputForm.validate = function(formObject){ return true } formPrompt = "Fetch an image from QuickChart (" buttonTitle = "Continue" formObject = await,buttonTitle) menuIndex = formObject.values['menuElement'] chosenChartType = menuItems[menuIndex] console.log('Chosen chart: ',chosenChartType) // QuickChart url = "" chartDataSets = [ "{type:'doughnut',data:{labels:['January','February','March','April','May'],datasets:[{data:[50,60,70,180,190]}]},options:{plugins:{doughnutlabel:{labels:[{text:'550',font:{size:20}},{text:'total'}]}}}}", "{type:'bar',data:{labels:['Q1','Q2','Q3','Q4'], datasets:[{label:'Users',data:[50,60,70,180]},{label:'Revenue',data:[100,200,300,400]}]}}", "{type:'pie',data:{labels:['January','February', 'March','April', 'May'], datasets:[{data:[50,60,70,180,190]}]}}", "{type:'radialGauge',data:{datasets:[{data:[70],backgroundColor:'green'}]}}", "{type:'line',data:{labels:['January','February', 'March','April', 'May'], datasets:[{label:'Dogs', data: [50,60,70,180,190], fill:false,borderColor:'blue'},{label:'Cats', data:[100,200,300,400,500], fill:false,borderColor:'green'}]}}" ] chartDataSet = chartDataSets[menuIndex] url = url + encodeURIComponent(chartDataSet) URL.fromString(url).fetch(data => { item = new Pasteboard.Item() item.setDataForType(data,TypeIdentifier.png) Pasteboard.general.items = [item] alert = new Alert(chosenChartType, "Chart on pasteboard.") alert.addOption("Done") alert.addOption("Website"){ if (result == 0){ console.log("Button 1") } else { var url = "" URL.fromString(url).open() } }) }) } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ return true }; return action; })();









Radial Guage:
