
OmniFocus: Search Notes App for Tag

This shortcut searches the Notes application for notes tagged with the chosen tag assigned to the currently selected OmniFocus task or project.


Video 1: Search Notes for Tag
This shortcut searches the Notes application for notes tagged with the chosen tag assigned to the currently selected OmniFocus task or project.

The Shortcut Workflow:

 1  “Omni Automation Script” action • The Omni Automation script checks for a single selected task or project and then presents a menu of titles of the tags assigned to the selected element. In addition, an option is provided to place a link to the selected element on the clipboard for pasting into the found note. The result of this action is the chosen tag title, prepended with a hash character (#) which is used by the Notes application to delineate tags.

 2  “Find Notes” action • This action searches the Notes database for notes that contain the passed tag.

 3  “Show Notes” action • This action will display and select the note chosen from the list of found notes containing the search tag.

Shortcut Workflow

The Omni Automation Script

 1-64  Asynchronous Wrapper • Since this script displays UI to the user, it is wrapped in an asynchronous function that enables the script to complete its processed before passing control back to the workflow.

 3-18  Selected Element • The Omni Automation script checks for a single selected task or project. If none is found, an error message is posted to the user.

 19-25  Assigned Tags • The script generates a list of the titles of the tags assigned to the selected element. If no tags are assigned, an error message is posted to the user.

 27-49  Action Form • A form dialog containing a menu of tag titles and a checkbox for approving copying an element reference link is presented to the user and the results of the form are extracted.

 51-54  Element Reference Link • If chosen by the user, a URL to the selected task or project is generated and placed on the clipboard.

 56  Return Tag • The chosen tag is returned to the workflow in Notes format (prepended with a hash character).

Search Notes App for Tag

(async () => { try { sel = document.windows[0].selection selCount = sel.tasks.length + sel.projects.length if(selCount === 1){ if (sel.tasks.length === 1){ selectedItem = sel.tasks[0] itemType = "task" } else { selectedItem = sel.projects[0] itemType = "project" } } else { throw { name: "Selection Issue", message: "Please select a single project or task." } } tagTitles = selectedItem.tags.map(tag => tag.name) if(tagTitles.length === 0){ throw { name: "No Tags", message: `The selected ${itemType} has no assigned tags.` } } tagTitlesMenu = new Form.Field.Option( "tagTitle", null, tagTitles, tagTitles, tagTitles[0] ) checkSwitchField = new Form.Field.Checkbox( "shouldCopyLinkURL", `Place a link to selected ${itemType} on the clipboard`, false ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(tagTitlesMenu) inputForm.addField(checkSwitchField) formPrompt = "Choose tag to search for in Notes:" buttonTitle = "Continue" formObject = await inputForm.show(formPrompt,buttonTitle) tagTitle = formObject.values["tagTitle"] shouldCopyLinkURL = formObject.values["shouldCopyLinkURL"] if(shouldCopyLinkURL){ url = URL.fromString("omnifocus://task/" + selectedItem.id.primaryKey) Pasteboard.general.URL = url } return String("#" + tagTitle) } catch(err){ if(!err.message.includes("cancelled")){ await new Alert(err.name, err.message).show() } throw `${err.name}\n${err.message}` } })();