Crypto Class
An Omni Automation interface to access some of Apple’s CryptoKit frameworks for performing cryptographic operations securely and efficiently.
IMPORTANT: The following classes and functions are provided in support of the Omni Automation URL.FetchRequest and URL.FetchResponse classes.
Class Functions
randomData(length: Number) → (Data) • Copy length bytes of cryptographically secure random data.
The SHA–256 hash function.
new Crypto.SHA256() → (Crypto.SHA256) • Create a new SHA–256 digest.
Instance Functions
update(data: Data) → ( ) • Incrementally update the digest with the given data.
finalize( ) → (Data) • Finalize any remaining digest process and return the result of the hash function.
The SHA-384 hash function.
new Crypto.SHA384() → (Crypto.SHA384) • Create a new SHA–384 digest.
Instance Functions
update(data: Data) → ( ) • Incrementally update the digest with the given data.
finalize( ) → (Data) • Finalize any remaining digest process and return the result of the hash function.
The SHA–512 hash function.
new Crypto.SHA512() → (Crypto.SHA512) • Create a new SHA–512 digest.
Instance Functions
update(data: Data) → ( ) • Incrementally update the digest with the given data.
finalize( ) → (Data) • Finalize any remaining digest process and return the result of the hash function.