Omni Automation Plug-Ins for OmniPlan
For your convenience, the Omni Automation plug-ins (actions) contained in this website’s documentation for OmniPlan are listed here. All plug-ins are fully documented on their host pages, and are completely user-editable, should you wish to make changes or alterations.
To install an Omni Automation plug-in on macOS:
Begin the download of a plug-in by clicking the “Download Plug-In” button in one of the plug-in descriptions below. After the download has completed, unpack the ZIP archive containing the plug-in file.
In OmniPlan, select the “Plug-Ins…” menu option from the Automation menu. In the forthcoming “Plug-Ins” window, double-click the “On My Mac” bar in the dialog. The local OmniPlan plug-ins folder will be revealed on the desktop.
Move the unpacked plug-in file into the revealed Plug-Ins folder. The installed plug-in will now appear in the OmniPlan Automation menu.
To install an Omni Automation plug-in on iOS or iPadOS: (WATCH VIDEO)
Begin the download of a plug-in by clicking the “Download Plug-In” button in one of the plug-in descriptions below. After the download has completed, open the Files app and locate and unpack the ZIP archive containing the plug-in file.
Long-press the plug-in file to summon the contextual menu. Select the “Share” option and in the forthcoming dialog scroll the app icons at the top to the one titled “More” and tap it. In the Apps sheet scroll to the option titled “Open in OmniPlan” and tap it.
The OmniPlan plug-in import dialog will be displayed. Tap “Install Plug-In” at the top right of the dialog to complete the installation. The plug-in will now appear on either the OmniPlan Share menu or the Automation menu.
Omni Automation Website
This action will display a form from which you can choose which page in the OmniPlan section to display. Such as: Plug-In Collection, Action Templates, etc.