Plug-In: Export Canvas Layers

Exports the layers of the current canvas as either individual PNG files, or as images composited from the bottom to the topmost layer. The plug-in uses the current export settings for PNG files.

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Export Canvas Layers

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnigraffle"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.og.export-layers-current-vanvas", "version": "1.1", "description": "Exports the layers of the current canvas as either individual PNG files, or as images composited from the bottom to the topmost layer.", "label": "Export Current Canvas Layers", "shortLabel": "Export Layers", "paletteLabel": "Export Layers", "image": "" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { exportOptions = ["Individual Images","Composited Images"] exportOptionsMenu = new Form.Field.Option( "exportOption", null, [0,1], exportOptions, 0 ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(exportOptionsMenu) formPrompt = "Choose the export style:" buttonTitle = "Continue" formObject = await,buttonTitle) exportOptionIndex = formObject.values["exportOption"] cnvs =[0].selection.canvas cnvs.layers.forEach(layer => layer.visible = false) wrappers = new Array() layerSet = cnvs.layers.slice().reverse() counter = 0 for (aLayer of layerSet){ aLayer.visible = true exportName = encodeURIComponent(counter + "-" + fileTypeID = "public.png" wrapper = await document.makeFileWrapper(exportName, fileTypeID) wrappers.push(wrapper) if (exportOptionIndex === 0){aLayer.visible = false} counter = counter + 1 } cnvs.layers.forEach(layer => layer.visible = true) filesaver = new FileSaver() folderType = new FileType("public.folder") filesaver.types = [folderType, FileType.png, FileType.pdf] docName =\.[^/.]+$/, "") fldrwrapper = FileWrapper.withChildren(`${docName} Export Folder`, wrappers) urlObj = await } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ return true }; return action; })();