Color Info Plug-In

An OmniGraffle plug-in for displaying the color information of the selected graphic. Color object constructor statements for each of the colors (stroke, fill, text) will be logged to the console.

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And the log to the app Console:

Color Info of Selected Graphic

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnigraffle"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.og.color-info", "version": "1.1", "description": "Present the color information for the selected graphic.", "label": "Color Info", "shortLabel": "Color Info", "paletteLabel": "Color Info", "image": "swatchpalette" }*/ (() => { function componentToHex(c){ var hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; } function HEXforColor(clrObj){ rv = gv = bv = r = Math.round(rv * 255) g = Math.round(gv * 255) b = Math.round(bv * 255) colorHEX = "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b); return colorHEX } const action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection, sender){ graphic =[0] // console.clear() if(graphic.fillColor){ var graphicFillColor = graphic.fillColor var fillColorHEX = HEXforColor(graphicFillColor).toUpperCase() var red = String( var green = String( var blue = String( var alpha = String(graphicFillColor.alpha) var fillValues = "R: " + red + "\n" + "G: " + green + "\n" + "B: " + blue + "\n" + "A: " + alpha console.log(`FILL: ${fillColorHEX}`, `Color.RGB(${red}, ${green}, ${blue}, ${alpha})`) } else { var fillValues = "No Fill" var fillColorHEX = "N/A" } if(graphic.strokeColor){ var graphicStrokeColor = graphic.strokeColor var strokeColorHEX = HEXforColor(graphicStrokeColor).toUpperCase() var red = String( var green = String( var blue = String( var alpha = String(graphicStrokeColor.alpha) var strokeValues = "R: " + red + "\n" + "G: " + green + "\n" + "B: " + blue + "\n" + "A: " + alpha console.log(`STROKE: ${strokeColorHEX}`, `Color.RGB(${red}, ${green}, ${blue}, ${alpha})`) } else { var strokeValues = "No Stroke" var strokeColorHEX = "N/A" } if(graphic instanceof Shape && graphic.textColor){ var graphicTextColor = graphic.textColor var textColorHEX = HEXforColor(graphicTextColor).toUpperCase() var red = String( var green = String( var blue = String( var alpha = String(graphicTextColor.alpha) var colorValues = "R: " + red + "\n" + "G: " + green + "\n" + "B: " + blue + "\n" + "A: " + alpha console.log(`TEXT: ${textColorHEX}`, `Color.RGB(${red}, ${green}, ${blue}, ${alpha})`) } else { var colorValues = "No Color" var textColorHEX = "N/A" } var message = `FILL: ${fillColorHEX}\n` + fillValues + `\n\nSTROKE: ${strokeColorHEX}\n` + strokeValues + `\n\nTEXT: ${textColorHEX}\n` + colorValues new Alert("Graphic Colors", message).show() }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // One single graphic selected (not a group) if ( === 1){ if ([0] instanceof Group){ return false } else { return true } } else { return false} }; return action; })();