Canvas Tools Plug-In

The Canvas Tools is a packaged plug-in that provides a menu of commands for manipulating the canvases in an OmniGraffle document.


Canvas Tools Menu Options

Canvas Tools Sub-Menu

Here are the menu options provided by this plug-in:

▶︎  About this Plug-In…
Presents an alert containing information about this plug-in bundle.
▶︎  Add Canvas for Every Month
Will add twelve (12) new canvases, each named for one of months of the year.
▶︎  Copy Sizing Parameters to All
Applies the sizing parameters of the current canvas to the others.
▶︎  Delete All Except Current
Removes every canvas except the one currently selected.
▶︎  Move to Bottom
Moves the selected canvas to the bottom of the stack of canvases.
▶︎  Move to Top
Moves the selected canvas to the top of the stack of canvases.
▶︎  Rename in Current Order
Renames each canvas using a provided basename appended with the index of its position in the stack of canvases.
▶︎  Size to Printer Setup
Will size the current canvas to match the size of the current printer setup.
▶︎  Sort by Name
Will sort the canvases in alphabetical order.
▶︎  Swap Dimensions
The height and width of the selected canvas will be reversed.

Canvas Tools Library Functions

The Canvas Tools plug-in contains an internal CanvasLib library file. Here is the list of functions contained in the library:

• getCurrentCanvas()
returns object reference to the current canvas
• getCanvasNames()
returns an array of the canvas names
• getNamedCanvas(canvasName)
returns an object reference to the named canvas
• addCanvasForEveryMonth()
creates a new canvas for each month of the year if a canvas by that name does not already exist
• deleteAllCanvases(showAlertBoolean)
after confirmation, removes all but the first canvas
• deleteEveryCanvasExcept(cnvs)
delete every canvas except the one passed to the method
• deleteEveryCanvasExceptCurrent()
delete every canvas except the current canvas
• newCanvasWithDimensions(cWpt, cHpt)
add a new canvas sized to the provided dimensions
• setDimensionsOfCurrentCanvasTo(cWpt, cHpt)
resize the current canvas to the provided dimensions
• setDimensionsOfEveryCanvasTo(cWpt, cHpt)
resize every canvas to the provided dimensions
• moveCanvasToTop(cnvs)
move the indicated canvas to the top of the stack of canvases
• moveCanvasToBottom(cnvs)
move the indicated canvas to the bottom of the stack of canvases
• renameEveryCanvasToMatchOrder(basename,separator)
rename all canvases to match the current stack order
• setAutoSizingOfCurrentCanvas(true or false)
set all canvas autosizing options of the current canvas to the provided boolean value
• setAutoSizingOfEveryCanvas(true or false)
set all canvas autosizing options of the every canvas to the provided boolean value
• setSizeOfCurrentCanvasToMatchPageSize()
resize current canvas to match the current page size setting
• setSizeOfEveryCanvasToMatchPageSize()
resize every canvas to match the current page size setting
• setSizeModeOfCurrentCanvasToFixed()
set sizing mode of current canvas to fixed
• setSizeModeOfEveryCanvasToFixed()
set sizing mode of every canvas to fixed