Cleanup & Restore
Now that you’ve completed the tutorial, there’s a few more scripts to run before finishing.
DO THIS ► | Enter and run the following script that will remove the “Staff Meeting” task from the Inbox: |
deleteObject(taskNamed("Staff Meeting"))
Delete Meeting Task
deleteObject(taskNamed("Staff Meeting"))
DO THIS ► | Enter and run the following script that will remove the “4-Step Success” project from the library array: |
deleteObject(projectNamed("4-Step Success"))
Delete Demo Project
deleteObject(projectNamed("4-Step Success"))
DO THIS ► | To return the archived tasks to the Inbox, TAP|CLICK the Inbox Restore button, whose script will move the contents of the “Inbox-Backup” project back into the Inbox and then delete the empty backup project. |
What’s Next?
To continue your use and study of Omni Automation in OmniFocus, visit: