Plug-In: Push Due Dates 24-Hours

Advances the due date of the selected projects or tasks twenty-four hours. Only items with due dates are processed.

TIP: Hold down Shift key when running plug-in to summon preferences dialog:

TIP: For quick access, assign keyboard shortcut or place plug-in in Toolbar

Plug-in preferences dialog

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Push Due and Defer Dates 24-Hours

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnifocus"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.of.push-due-defer-one-day", "version": "1.0", "description": "Advances the due and defer dates of the selected projects or tasks twenty-four hours. Items without due dates will use the default due time setting applied for tomorrow. Deferment time will be set to 12AM tomorrow for all selected items. TIP: Hold down Shift key when running plug-in to summon preferences dialog.", "label": "Push Due & Defer One Day", "shortLabel": "Push Due & Defer 24", "paletteLabel": "Push Due & Defer 24", "image": "" }*/ (() => { function playSystemAlert(alertFilename){ if(!alertFilename.endsWith(".aiff")){ alertFilename = alertFilename + ".aiff" } alertFilename = alertFilename.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + alertFilename.slice(1) sysSoundsFldr = URL.fromString("/System/Library/Sounds/") urlComps = URL.Components.fromURL(sysSoundsFldr, false) urlComps.path = alertFilename soundFileURL = urlComps.urlRelativeTo(sysSoundsFldr) audioAlert = new Audio.Alert(soundFileURL) Audio.playAlert(audioAlert) } var preferences = new Preferences() // NO ID = PLUG-IN ID var soundNames = ["Basso", "Blow", "Bottle", "Frog", "Funk", "Glass", "Hero", "Morse", "Ping", "Pop", "Purr", "Sosumi", "Submarine", "Tink"] const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { storedBoolean = preferences.readBoolean("shouldPlaySound") if(storedBoolean === null){ preferences.write("shouldPlaySound", shouldPlaySound) var shouldPlaySound = false } else { var shouldPlaySound = storedBoolean } storedSoundIndx = preferences.readNumber("confirmationSoundIndx") if(storedSoundIndx === null){ preferences.write("confirmationSoundIndx", 10) var storedSoundIndx = 10 var confirmationSound = "Purr" } else { var confirmationSound = soundNames[storedSoundIndx] } if(app.shiftKeyDown){ checkSwitchField = new Form.Field.Checkbox( "shouldPlaySound", "Play sound after adjusting due and defer dates", shouldPlaySound ) soundsOptionsMenu = new Form.Field.Option( "confirmationSoundIndx", "Confirmation Sound", [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13], soundNames, storedSoundIndx ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(soundsOptionsMenu) inputForm.addField(checkSwitchField) formPrompt = "Plug-in Options:" buttonTitle = "Continue" formObject = await, buttonTitle) booleanValue = formObject.values['shouldPlaySound'] preferences.write("shouldPlaySound", booleanValue) var shouldPlaySound = booleanValue indx = formObject.values['confirmationSoundIndx'] preferences.write("confirmationSoundIndx", indx) var confirmationSound = soundNames[indx] } // DEFERMENT DATE TIME = TOMORROW MORNING (12AM) now = new Date() today = Calendar.current.startOfDay(now) duration = new DateComponents() = 1 defermentDateTime = Calendar.current.dateByAddingDateComponents(today, duration) // DERIVE A DEFAULT DUE DATE/TIME FOR TOMORROW defaultDueTime = settings.objectForKey('DefaultDueTime') //--> "17:00:00" (5PM) console.log("DefaultDueTime", defaultDueTime) timeElements = defaultDueTime.split(":") dc = new DateComponents() = + 1 dc.hour = Number(timeElements[0]) dc.minutes = Number(timeElements[1]) dc.seconds = Number(timeElements[2]) defaultDueDate = Calendar.current.dateByAddingDateComponents(today, dc) // PROCESS THE SELECTED ITEMS selectedItems = selection.databaseObjects for (indx in selectedItems){ item = selectedItems[indx] if (item instanceof Project || item instanceof Task){ if(item.dueDate){ dc = Calendar.current.dateComponentsFromDate(item.dueDate) dc.hour = dc.hour + 24 newDueDate = Calendar.current.dateFromDateComponents(dc) item.dueDate = newDueDate } else { item.dueDate = defaultDueDate } // SET DEFERMENT item.deferDate = defermentDateTime } } if(shouldPlaySound && Device.current.mac){playSystemAlert(confirmationSound)} } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ console.error(, err.message) new Alert(, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // selection options: tasks, projects, folders, tags, databaseObjects, allObjects return (selection.tasks.length > 0 || selection.projects.length > 0) }; return action; })();