Plug-In: Note Style “Financial”

NOTE: Requires OmniFocus 4

This plug-in will format the rich text of the note of the selected project or task to add the indicated number of decimal tab columns.


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Note Style “Financial”

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnifocus"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.of.note-style-financial", "version": "1.5", "description": "This plug-in will format the rich text of the note of the selected project or task to add the indicated number of decimal tab columns.", "label": "Note Style “Financial”", "shortLabel": "Note Style “Financial”", "paletteLabel": "Note Style “Financial”", "image": "tablecells" }*/ (() => { var preferences = new Preferences() // NO ID = PLUG-IN ID const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { menuIndex = preferences.readNumber("tabStopCount") if(!menuIndex){menuIndex = 5} var shouldLog = false // show form numTabStopOptions = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] numTabStopNames = ["3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"] menuElement = new Form.Field.Option( "tabStopCount", null, numTabStopOptions, numTabStopNames, menuIndex ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(menuElement) formPrompt = "Decimal columns to add to header:" buttonTitle = "Continue" formObject = await,buttonTitle) columnCount = formObject.values["tabStopCount"] preferences.write("tabStopCount", columnCount) var item = selection.databaseObjects[0] // reveal note tree =[0].content tree.nodeForObject(item).expandNote(false) // create tabstop string tabWidth = 128 firstTabOffset = 192 columnCount = columnCount tabStops = String(firstTabOffset) + "D" for (i = 1; i < columnCount; i++) { tabStops += "," + String(firstTabOffset + (i * tabWidth)) + "D" } console.log("TABSTOPS:", tabStops) // CREATE VIRTUAL TEXT OBJECT CONTAING CURRENT NOTE var noteObj = new Text("", baseStyle) noteObj.replace(noteObj.range, item.noteText) //var nStyle = var attsToModify = [] var valuesToApply = [] attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.FontFamily) valuesToApply.push('Helvetica Neue') attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.FontItalic) valuesToApply.push(false) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.FontWeight) valuesToApply.push(2) typeSize = (Device.current.type === DeviceType.iPhone) ? 11:12 attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.FontSize) valuesToApply.push(typeSize) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.BackgroundColor) valuesToApply.push(null) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.FontFillColor) valuesToApply.push(Color.White(.1, 1)) LHFactor = (Device.current.type === DeviceType.iPhone) ? 1.1:1.2 attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.ParagraphLineHeightMultiple) valuesToApply.push(LHFactor) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.ParagraphSpacingBefore) valuesToApply.push(4) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.KerningAdjustment) valuesToApply.push(1.5) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.ParagraphTabStops) valuesToApply.push(tabStops) attsToModify.push(Style.Attribute.ParagraphDefaultTabInterval) valuesToApply.push(tabWidth) // APPLY THE SPECIFIED ATTRIBUTE SETTINGS if(shouldLog){console.log(">>> APPLYING VALUES TO NOTEOBJ <<<")} runRanges.forEach(range => { runStyle = noteObj.styleForRange(range) attsToModify.forEach((att, index) => { valueToSet = valuesToApply[index] if(shouldLog){console.log("Range:", noteObj.textInRange(range).string)} if(shouldLog){console.log("Attribute:", att.key)} if(shouldLog){console.log("Value:", valueToSet)} runStyle.set(att, valueToSet) }) }) // REPLACE NOTE WITH VIRTUAL OBJECT if(shouldLog){console.log(">>> REPLACING TEXT WITH NOTEOBJ <<<")} item.noteText.replace(item.noteText.range, noteObj) } catch(err){ if(!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // selection options: tasks, projects, folders, tags, allObjects return ( selection.databaseObjects.length === 1 && (selection.tasks.length === 1 || selection.projects.length === 1) ) }; return action; })();