Plug-In: Markdown Link for Object
This plug-in generates a link, in markdown format, to the selected tag, folder, project, or task, and places the link on the clipboard.
TIP: Hold down Shift key when running plug-in to summon preferences dialog where you can optionally select an alert sound to be played when the link is created and placed on the pasteboard.

Return to: OmniFocus Plug-In Collection
Markdown Link for Object
"type": "action",
"targets": ["omnifocus"],
"author": "Otto Automator",
"identifier": "com.omni-automation.of.markdown-link-for-object",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "This plug-in generates a link, in markdown format, to the selected tag, folder, project, or task, and places the link on the clipboard. TIP: Hold down Shift key when running plug-in to summon preferences dialog.",
"label": "Markdown Link for Object",
"shortLabel": "Markdown Link for Object",
"paletteLabel": "Markdown Link for Object",
"image": ""
(() => {
function playSystemAlert(alertFilename){
alertFilename = alertFilename + ".aiff"
alertFilename = alertFilename.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + alertFilename.slice(1)
sysSoundsFldr = URL.fromString("/System/Library/Sounds/")
urlComps = URL.Components.fromURL(sysSoundsFldr, false)
urlComps.path = alertFilename
soundFileURL = urlComps.urlRelativeTo(sysSoundsFldr)
audioAlert = new Audio.Alert(soundFileURL)
var preferences = new Preferences() // NO ID = PLUG-IN ID
var soundNames = ["Basso",
"Blow", "Bottle", "Frog", "Funk", "Glass", "Hero", "Morse", "Ping", "Pop", "Purr", "Sosumi", "Submarine", "Tink"]
const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){
try {
storedBoolean = preferences.readBoolean("shouldPlaySound")
if(storedBoolean === null){
preferences.write("shouldPlaySound", shouldPlaySound)
var shouldPlaySound = false
} else {
var shouldPlaySound = storedBoolean
storedSoundIndx = preferences.readNumber("confirmationSoundIndx")
if(storedSoundIndx === null){
preferences.write("storedSoundIndx", 5)
var storedSoundIndx = 5
var confirmationSound = "Glass"
} else {
var confirmationSound = soundNames[storedSoundIndx]
checkSwitchField = new Form.Field.Checkbox(
"Play sound when creating the Markdown link",
soundsOptionsMenu = new Form.Field.Option(
"Confirmation Sound",
inputForm = new Form()
formPrompt = "Plug-in Options:"
buttonTitle = "Continue"
formObject = await, buttonTitle)
booleanValue = formObject.values['shouldPlaySound']
preferences.write("shouldPlaySound", booleanValue)
var shouldPlaySound = booleanValue
indx = formObject.values['confirmationSoundIndx']
preferences.write("confirmationSoundIndx", indx)
var confirmationSound = soundNames[indx]
selectedItem = selection.databaseObjects[0]
if (selectedItem instanceof Folder){
var objType = "folder"
} else if (selectedItem instanceof Tag){
var objType = "tag"
} else {
var objType = "task"
ID =
urlStr = `omnifocus:///${objType}/${ID}`
markdownLink = `[${}](${urlStr})`
Pasteboard.general.string = markdownLink
if(shouldPlaySound && Device.current.mac){playSystemAlert(confirmationSound)}
console.error(, err.message)
new Alert(, err.message).show()
action.validate = function(selection, sender){
// selection options: tasks, projects, folders, tags, databaseObjects, allObjects
return (selection.databaseObjects.length === 1)
return action;