
Plug-Ins: OmniGraffle and Obsidian

A set plug-ins for working with the Obsidian note-taking application.

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Plug-In: Canvas to New Obsidian Note

This plug-in exports the current OmniGraffle canvas to a new note created in the indicated Obsidian vault.

NOTE: The current PNG export settings for background transparency are used in the generation of the PNG image. (File > Export…)

The export settings in OmniGraffle

To set the plug-in preference for targeted Obsidian vault name, hold down the Control key when selecting the plug-in from the Automation menu.

Plug-In: Search for Canvas in Obsidian

This plug-in searches the indicated Obsidian vault using the ID assigned to the current canvas by the previous plug-in.

To set the plug-in preference for targeted Obsidian vault name, hold down the Control key when selecting the plug-in from the Automation menu.

Installing the Plug-Ins

Download and unpack the folder archive containing the plug-ins and place the folder in the your OmniGraffle plug-ins folder. The Automation menu will now display an “Obsidian” sub-menu containing the plug-ins.

Video: Working with Obsidian
Plug-ins for working with the Obsidian note-taking application.
Canvas to New Obsidian Note

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnigraffle"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.og.canvas-to-obsidian-note", "version": "1.0", "description": "Creates a new Obsidian note in the indicated vault containing a PNG of the current canvas.", "label": "Canvas to New Obsidian Note", "shortLabel": "Canvas to Obsidian", "paletteLabel": "Canvas to Obsidian", "image": "photo.artframe" }*/ (() => { const preferences = new Preferences() function genVal(){ return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1) } const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { if (app.controlKeyDown){ var errorID = "A" vaultTitle = preferences.readString("vaultTitle") var vaultTitleInput = new Form.Field.String( "vaultTitle", null, vaultTitle, null ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(vaultTitleInput) formPrompt = "Enter title of the existing Obsidian vault to use:" formObject = await inputForm.show(formPrompt,"Continue") newVaultTitle = formObject.values["vaultTitle"] preferences.write("vaultTitle", newVaultTitle) } else { var errorID = "B" var vaultTitle = preferences.readString("vaultTitle") if(!vaultTitle || vaultTitle === ""){ throw { name: "Undeclared Vault Preference", message: "A default Obsidian vault has not yet been indicated for this plug-in.\n\nRun this plug-in again, while holding down the Control key, to summon the preferences dialog." } } console.log("Pref-vaultTitle: ", vaultTitle) var encodedVaultTitle = encodeURIComponent(vaultTitle) // NOTE NAME itemTitle = selection.canvas.name var itemTitleInput = new Form.Field.String( "itemTitle", null, itemTitle, null ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(itemTitleInput) formPrompt = "Enter title for new Obsidian note:" formObject = await inputForm.show(formPrompt, "Continue") itemTitle = formObject.values["itemTitle"] encodedTitle = encodeURIComponent(itemTitle) // EXPORT CANVAS IMAGE TO CLIPBOARD cnvs = document.windows[0].selection.canvas exportName = cnvs.name + ".png" fileTypeID = "public.png" wrapper = await document.makeFileWrapper(exportName, fileTypeID) item = new Pasteboard.Item() item.setDataForType(wrapper.contents,TypeIdentifier.png) Pasteboard.general.clear() Pasteboard.general.addItems([item]) // EXTRACT CLIPBOARD IMAGE AS BASE64 data = Pasteboard.general.dataForType(TypeIdentifier.png) dataStr = data.toBase64() // GENERATE UUID // For calling it, stitch '3' in the 3rd group UUID = (genVal() + genVal() + "-" + genVal() + "-3" + genVal().substr(0,2) + "-" + genVal() + "-" + genVal() + genVal() + genVal()).toUpperCase() // CREATE AN IMAGE DATA URL imageDataURL = `<img alt="${UUID}" src="data:image/png;base64,${dataStr}"/>` encodedImageURL = encodeURIComponent(imageDataURL) // CREATE THE YAML FRONT MATTER FOR THE NOTE sourceDocument = `OmniGraffle/${document.name}` frontMatter = `---\nid: ${UUID}\nfile: ${sourceDocument}\n---` encodedHeader = encodeURIComponent(frontMatter) targetLink = `obsidian://new?vault=${encodedVaultTitle}&name=${encodedTitle}&content=${encodedHeader}%0A%0A${encodedImageURL}` // WRITE ID TO CANVAS METADATA selection.canvas.background.setUserData("id", UUID) // OPEN URL URL.fromString(targetLink).open() } } catch(err){ if(errorID !== "A"){ new Alert(err.name, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ return true }; return action; })();
Search for Canvas in Obsidian

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnigraffle"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.og.search-obsidian", "version": "1.0", "description": "Searches the indicated Obsidian vault using current canvas metadata.", "label": "Search for Canvas in Obsidian", "shortLabel": "Search Obsidian", "paletteLabel": "Search Obsidian", "image": "magnifyingglass.circle" }*/ (() => { const preferences = new Preferences() const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { if (app.controlKeyDown){ var errorID = "A" vaultTitle = preferences.readString("vaultTitle") var vaultTitleInput = new Form.Field.String( "vaultTitle", null, vaultTitle, null ) inputForm = new Form() inputForm.addField(vaultTitleInput) formPrompt = "Enter title of the existing Obsidian vault to use:" formObject = await inputForm.show(formPrompt,"Continue") newVaultTitle = formObject.values["vaultTitle"] preferences.write("vaultTitle", newVaultTitle) } else { var errorID = "B" var vaultTitle = preferences.readString("vaultTitle") if(!vaultTitle || vaultTitle === ""){ throw { name: "Undeclared Vault Preference", message: "A default Obsidian vault has not yet been indicated for this plug-in.\n\nRun this plug-in again, while holding down the Control key, to summon the preferences dialog." } } console.log("Pref-vaultTitle: ", vaultTitle) var encodedVaultTitle = encodeURIComponent(vaultTitle) var searchKey = "id" var searchString = selection.canvas.background.userData[searchKey] if(!searchString){ throw { name: "Metadata Issue", message: `No metadata for the key “${searchKey}” has beeen assigned to the current canvas.` } } var encodedSearchString = encodeURIComponent(searchString) searchLinkStr = `obsidian://search?vault=${encodedVaultTitle}&query=${encodedSearchString}` console.log("Search URL: ", searchLinkStr) URL.fromString(searchLinkStr).open() } } catch(err){ if(errorID !== "A"){ new Alert(err.name, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ return true }; return action; })();