
Add Action (Plug-In)

The “Add Action” toolbar button is designed to make the multi-step process of creating and installing an Omni Automation plug-in a much simpler guided process.


 1  Console Window • The Console window.

 2  “Add Action” Button • Activate this button to display the parameters overlay  6  for naming and installing a new plug-in.

 3  Font Parameters Menu • Select the size for the Console font: regular, medium, or large. Select the “Custom...” option to choose a fixed width font to use for the Console, such as: Menlo or SF Mono

 4  Clear Console • Click this button to clear the Console window of content.

 5  API Reference • Click this button to open the Omni Automation API for the host Omni application.

 6  New Action Overlay • This window overlay displays the controls for setting the parameters of the new plug-in.

 7  Action Name • The entered value will be used for both the plug-in’s menu item title and its file name.

 8  Developer ID • The identifier for the developer of the action. Usually structured: com.NameOfDeveloper This value is remembered by the dialog and will continue to appear with each summoning until it is changed. The example shown: com.omni-automation follows the recommended practice of avoiding the use of spaces in the plug-in identifier.

 9  Add to Toolbar • Select this option to automatically add the new plug-in to the Console toolbar. IMPORTANT: If you’ve chosen this option, do not edit the plug-in identifier once the plug-in has been created. Doing so will disable the plug-in access from the toolbar.

 10  Editing Application • This menu displays a list of text editor applications on your Mac. Select the application to be used to open and edit the new plug-in.

 11  Location • This menu will display a list of standard (local/iCloud) and user-linked folders in which to save the new plug-in file. Installed plug-ins can be managed using the built-in “Automation Configuration” dialog summoned from the Automation Menu.

 12  “Add” Button • Select this button to create and install the new plug-in.

Upon the selection of the “Add” button, the plug-in file is created, installed, and opened in the users chosen or default text editor application.

(⬇ see below ) The new plug-in opened in an editor application (BBEdit):


The opened plug-in code can be edited and adapted to perform whatever procedures you require. See the Plug-In Section for detailed explanations and examples of plug-in constructs and concepts.

Editing the Default Plug-In Template

By default, Omni applications open a copy of the same template when the “Add Action” button is selected. This template is stored within each application’s bundle:


Here is the plug-in code used by the default template. When a copy of the template is opened in your chosen text editor, the placeholder TARGET_NAME is automatically replaced with the host Omni application name (omnigraffle, omniplan, omnioutliner, or omnifocus) and the ACTION_NAME placeholder is replaced with the plug-in name entered by the user in the Action Parameters Overlay  6 . The placeholder ORGANIZATION_NAME is replace with the value entered in the Organization field of the overlay.

Default “Add Action” Template

/*{ "author": "Author Name", "targets": ["TARGET_NAME"], "type": "action", "identifier": "ORGANIZATION_NAME.ACTION_NAME", "version": "0.1", "description": "A plug-in that...", "label": "ACTION_NAME", "mediumLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "paletteLabel": "ACTION_NAME", }*/ (() => { var action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection) { // Add code to run when the action is invoked console.log("Invoked with selection", selection); }); // If needed, uncomment, and add a function that returns true if the current selection is appropriate for the action. /* action.validate = function(selection){ }; */ return action; })();

Although there is no direct interface provided in the Omni applications for editing the default template, it is possible to customize each Omni application’s template by following these steps:

Steps to Edit Default “Add Action” Template

  1. Click the “Open AppleScript Script” button displayed in the following Omni application examples. The provided AppleScript script will open in the default AppleScript editor on your Mac.
  2. Open the default plug-in template file by running the provided AppleScript script.
  3. In the editor application, replace the contents of the open default plug-in template file with the template provided for the corresponding Omni application.
  4. In the new template text, replace the AUTHOR-NAME with your name or company name

    DO NOT ALTER the ORGANIZATION_NAME TARGET_NAME or ACTION_NAME tags (shown in red) as those are used by the app and are filled in automatically when a new plug-in is generated.
  5. Save and close the edited default plug-in template file, and the open AppleScript script.

NOTE: Updating the Omni application may reset the default plug-in to the standard template.


The following is a basic single-action template for an OmniFocus plug-in you can use as a replacement for the default template.

Replacement Template for OmniFocus

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["TARGET_NAME"], "author": "AUTHOR-NAME", "identifier": "ORGANIZATION_NAME.of.ACTION_NAME", "version": "1.0", "description": "The plug-in description goes here.", "label": "ACTION_NAME", "shortLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "paletteLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "image": "gearshape.fill" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ // action code // selection options: tasks, projects, folders, tags, databaseObjects, allObjects try { // PROCESSING STATEMENTS new Alert("GREETINGS", "Hello World!").show() } catch(err){ new Alert(error.name, err.message).show() console.error(err) } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // validation code // selection options: tasks, projects, folders, tags, databaseObjects, allObjects return true }; return action; })();


The following is a basic single-action template for an OmniGraffle plug-in you can use as a replacement for the default template.

Replacement Template for OmniGraffle

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["TARGET_NAME"], "author": "AUTHOR-NAME", "identifier": "ORGANIZATION_NAME.og.ACTION_NAME", "version": "1.0", "description": "The plug-in description goes here.", "label": "ACTION_NAME", "shortLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "paletteLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "image": "gearshape.fill" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ // action code // selection options: canvas, document, graphics, lines, solids, view try { // PROCESSING STATEMENTS new Alert("GREETINGS", "Hello World!").show() } catch(err){ new Alert(error.name, err.message).show() console.error(err) } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // validation code // selection options: canvas, document, graphics, lines, solids, view return true }; return action; })();


The following is a basic single-action template for an OmniOutliner plug-in you can use as a replacement for the default template.

Replacement Template for OmniOutliner

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["TARGET_NAME"], "author": "AUTHOR-NAME", "identifier": "ORGANIZATION_NAME.oo.ACTION_NAME", "version": "1.0", "description": "The plug-in description goes here.", "label": "ACTION_NAME", "shortLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "paletteLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "image": "gearshape.fill" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ // action code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, outline, styles try { // PROCESSING STATEMENTS new Alert("GREETINGS", "Hello World!").show() } catch(err){ new Alert(error.name, err.message).show() console.error(err) } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // validation code // selection options: columns, document, editor, items, nodes, outline, styles return true }; return action; })();


The following is a basic single-action template for an OmniPlan plug-in you can use as a replacement for the default template.

Replacement Template for OmniPlan

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["TARGET_NAME"], "author": "AUTHOR-NAME", "identifier": "ORGANIZATION_NAME.op.ACTION_NAME", "version": "1.0", "description": "The plug-in description goes here.", "label": "ACTION_NAME", "shortLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "paletteLabel": "ACTION_NAME", "image": "gearshape.fill" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ // action code // selection options: project, tasks, resources try { // PROCESSING STATEMENTS new Alert("GREETINGS", "Hello World!").show() } catch(err){ new Alert(error.name, err.message).show() console.error(err) } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // validation code // selection options: project, tasks, resources return true }; return action; })();