var itemArray = XXXXX var nodes = document.editors[0].selectedNodes if(nodes.length == 1){ var alert = new Alert("Item Placement", "Should the list items be added as children or siblings of the selected outline item?") alert.addOption("Children") alert.addOption("Siblings") alert.addOption("Cancel"){ var selectedItem = nodes[0].object if (result == 0){ for(i = 0; i < itemArray.length; i++){ selectedItem.addChild(selectedItem.end,function(item){item.topic = itemArray[i]}) } } else if (result == 1){ parentItem = selectedItem.parent for(i = 0; i < itemArray.length; i++){ parentItem.addChild(parentItem.end,function(item){item.topic = itemArray[i]}) } } else { throw new Error('script cancelled') } }) } else { var alert = new Alert('SELECTION ERROR','Please select a single outline item at which you wish to add items.'){}) }
Common Lists

TAP | CLICK a list to transfer it to the current OmniOutliner document. (docs)

Weekdays (Sunday)

Weekdays (Monday)

Months of the Year

States of the United States

Chinese Zodiac

Western Zodiac

Fresh Fruits